Thursday, May 19, 2011

Grails, Envers and Blob

We've added Hibernate Envers to our Grails project.  Thus far, Envers has handled all our object versioning requirements...  Until we tried to use a Blob.

class Data {
    Blob data

org.hibernate.MappingException : Type not supported for auditing: org.hibernate.type.BlobType, on entity Data, property 'data'.

What is the solution?  Envers does not throw an exception for a Byte Array, so replace Blob with it.  However, MySQL will map the Byte Array to a TinyBlob, which may not work for you.  You can modify this by updating the GORM DSL on the domain.

class Data {
    byte[] data
    static mapping = {
        data sqlType: 'blob'

This resolved the problem for us.