Thursday, May 19, 2011

Grails, Envers and Blob

We've added Hibernate Envers to our Grails project.  Thus far, Envers has handled all our object versioning requirements...  Until we tried to use a Blob.

class Data {
    Blob data

org.hibernate.MappingException : Type not supported for auditing: org.hibernate.type.BlobType, on entity Data, property 'data'.

What is the solution?  Envers does not throw an exception for a Byte Array, so replace Blob with it.  However, MySQL will map the Byte Array to a TinyBlob, which may not work for you.  You can modify this by updating the GORM DSL on the domain.

class Data {
    byte[] data
    static mapping = {
        data sqlType: 'blob'

This resolved the problem for us.


Clemens said...

Did you try or already had success to setup enver with grails 2.0? If so, what are the steps involved?
Thanks for sharing this,

Stephen Westfall said...

I have not attempted Envers with Grails 2.0 yet. I know Lucas Ward created a Grails Plugin for Envers, so he may have more information.